How to expedite the ash content determination in polymer samples

Ashing of polymers and plastics material is a common determination, either to determine additives or impurities. The procedure requires to quantifying the residual solids in the polymers after ashing them at high temperature in a muffle furnace. Often, product quality analyses is carried out at short intervals to enable rapid intervention and adaptation of the production process and to ensure that customer specification are met.

What furnace is the right choice for processing polymers and plastics samples? In recent years microwave technology has been introduced in both wet and dry ashing methodologies to reduce their times. Ashing process can be reduced by up to 95% from hours to minutes using any type of standard crucibles.

Practical guide to reduce your sample prep costs for SVOCs analyses
In this webinar, we will guide you in understanding the ashing procedures and how to make this determination more efficient.
You will learn:
  • Limitation of conventional procedures for the determination of ash content in polymers
  • Advantages offered by microwave ashing
  • Official methods compliance
  • Example of applications in compliance with official methods
Mirco Rossetti


Mirco Rossetti
Product Manager at Milestone

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