Best practices in sample preparation of baby food for trace metal determination

Best practices in sample preparation of baby food
Recently, heavy metals in baby food have been the subject of increasing interest, as high levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury have been found on the market. All of these elements are critical when present in food, and even worse when these foods are used to feed babies and toddlers. The Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 is a new bill from the United States Congress establishing maximum levels of certain toxic elements (cadmium, and lead, mercury, and inorganic arsenic) allowable in infant and toddler food. Moreover, the levels should be further reduced, under FDA guidance, within two years. In this webinar we will explore how to successfully implement a method to meet the FDA's "closer to zero" plan.
🔴 The Total Sample Preparation approach, combined with ICP-MS, will be evaluated to consider all sources of contamination and best practices to control them.
During this webinar, we will provide practical guidance on:
  • FDA “Closer to zero” plan
  • How to control contamination
  • Robust digestion protocols to achieve lower detection limits
  • How to gain productivity without compromising analysis quality
Gianpaolo Rota


Gianpaolo Rota
Product Manager at Milestone

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Gianpaolo Rota


Gianpaolo Rota
Application Specialist at Milestone

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