Written by professionals for professionals, they aims to provide a short and focused technical paper on technology or application, showcasing methods, tests, results and analytical data.
Digesting multiple food samples for trace metal analysis at once
ultraWAVE demonstrates to be a great tool for trace
metals analysis in food samples due to its superior capabilities in terms of mixed samples,
large sample amount and ease of use.
Microwave technology replaces traditional tools like hot
plates and Parr bombs to digest these highly stable matrices
which have their own set of limitations.
ISO 21392: a turning point in heavy metals analysis of cosmetics
The new ISO 21392 method for the determination of heavy metals in cosmetic products describes the use of microwave digestion in combination with ICP-MS to expedite cosmetics analyses.
Simultaneous mixed-batch sample preparation for metals testing of cannabis samples
The performance of the ultraWAVE was evaluated through a recovery study on samples of interest for the cannabis industry, from plant material to edibles, concentrates and soil.
New Approaches in Sample Prep for Precise Multielement Analysis of Crude Oils and Refined Petroleums
A comprehensive elemental list may lead to more sophisticated applications of elemental analysis for crude oil and derivatives with benefits extending from exploration to refining.
Digestion of agriculture samples for trace metal analysis
A recovery study on certified reference fertilizer materials has been performed to prove the efficacy of the ETHOS UP in sample preparation for metal analysis.
Heavy metals determination in cannabis plant, concentrates and edibles
This application report evaluates the digestion quality of the following certified reference materials:
NIST 1577c: Bovine Liver and TORT-3: Lobster Hepatopancreas.
Digestion of polymer samples using ultrapure quartz inserts
The objective of this test is completing a digestion of a reactive sample (CRM polymer material) with a
maximum of 5mL of nitric acid and verifying the recovery of all certified metals with ICP-OES.
Productivity in elemental analysis of environmental samples
Closed vessel microwave digestion is included in the US EPA official sample preparation methods for most environmental samples.
ETHOS technology is perfectly designed these methods.
Digestion of food samples for trace metal analysis
A recovery study on certified reference food materials has been performed to prove the efficacy of ETHOS UP in the sample preparation for metal analysis.
High-quality in elemental analysis of petrochemical samples
Closed vessel microwave digestion is included in the US EPA official sample preparation methods for most environmental samples.
ETHOS technology is perfectly designed these methods.
Determination of Total Mercury in Nutraceutical Samples
commonly available nutraceutical samples –
Valerian Root, Ginkgo Biloba and Glucosamine
Chondroitin were spiked by a solution having
a mean mercury concentration of ~10.2 ppb
and were run in the instrument.
Determination of Mercury in Fish & Biological Tissues
The data presented in this paper was
obtained on-site at a customer laboratory
while doing a live demonstration.
Originally prepared and analyzed via CVAA, the
samples were re-analyzed on the DMA-80.
Determination of Total Mercury in Environmental Samples
The goal of this study was to highlight procedure of quantification
of mercury traces in cosmetic products that consumers can
be exposed to in their usage.
This paper shows the use of Milestone ETHOS X with fastEX-24eT rotor for extraction of
dioxins from environmental matrices, with emphasis to one of the most common challenge
of this application: the carryover effect.
US EPA 3546 procedure for extracting organic compounds
This paper will discuss the use of Ethos X Microwave Extraction System utilizing fastEX24
rotor with disposable glass vials to extract organic pollutants from certified soils during a
recovery study following US EPA Method 3546.
Microwave assisted extraction of PCBs from environmental samples
This application report represents a guideline for
the extraction of the priority polychlorinated biphenyls
from both standard reference materials and spiked
materials using the official method EPA 3546. The
efficiency of MASE was compared with
conventional Soxhlet extraction.
Microwave assisted extraction of pesticides from environ. samples
Pesticides are pivotal chemical compounds for the
modern agriculture production. This application report represents a guideline for
the extraction of the priority pesticides from both
standard reference materials and spiked materials
using the official method EPA 3546.
Microwave green extraction of citrus essential oil
In this study, microwave was compared to the two most
popular conventional extraction techniques for citrus peels, hydrodistillation and cold pressing.
Solvent-free microwave extraction
(SFME) performed by the Milestone ETHOS X family has demonstrated to be the most efficient extraction technique,
maximizing the quality of the organoleptic profile of the final oil.
Test method for ash content determination in Crude oil samples
Knowledge of the amount of ash-forming material
present in Crude oil product can provide
information about whether the product is suitable
for the usage in a specific application.
Microwave sulfated ashing procedure of pharma samples
The USP chapter <281> describes the
methodology for the measurement of inorganic
contaminants in pharmaceutical samples, where
the adopted technique is the Sulfated Ashing.
ASTM D5630 standard test method for ash content in thermoplastics
Inorganic residues from plastics may be antiblock,
fillers, reinforcements, catalyst residues,
colorants, etc. The quantitative amounts of each
are important variables of the manufacturing
Microwave ashing procedure for determination of inorganic ash in food samples
The ashing test on food samples is commonly used for evaluation of mineral content. Traditional tools have their own set of backdraws, while ashing application are fast, easy and safe.