Milestone has developed a rapid and quick-to-adopt microwave unit: ETHOSTM X.
Organic pollutants in environmental matrices can be determined to evaluate the effectiveness of a remediation process, to assess the contamination in waste, in waste landfills and for general environmental monitoring. Therefore, every day environmental laboratories needs to provide reliable data, while maintaining their competitiveness.
Although new extraction technologies have been developed in recent years, they have fallen short on addressing the needs of environmental laboratories.
The ETHOS X microwave extraction system with fastEX-24 rotor is fully compliant with US EPA 3546 and offers an efficient extraction of up to 24 samples simultaneously. In fact, the system can be used for solvent extraction of chlorinated pesticides, semi-volatile organics, PAHs, PCBs, chlorinated herbicides, phenols, organophosphorus pesticides, dioxins and furans from environmental samples, like soils, clays, sediments, sludge and solid wastes .