Scientific Papers

for Direct Mercury Determination



"Maternal Fish Intake during Pregnancy, Blood Mercury Levels, and Child Cognition at Age 3 Years in a US Cohor"
Emily Oken et al, American Journal of Epidemiology Advance Access published March 28, 2008

"Co-selection of Mercury and Antibiotic Resistance in Sphagnum Core Samples Dating Back 2000 Years"
Leslie H. Wardwell et al, Geomicrobiology Journal , 26:238–247, 2009

"Determination of Total Mercury in Fish and Biological Tissue Using a Direct Mercury Analyzer"
Johan Nortje, American Laboratory April 2010

"Mercury in Vaccines from the Australian Childhood Immunization Program Schedule"
David W. Austin et all, ournal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 73:10.

"Development and validation of a method for the determination of Hg in animal tissues (equine muscle, bovine kidney and swine kidney, and poultry muscle) by direct mercury analysis (DMA)"
R.F.L. Ribeiro et all, Microchemical Journal 121 (2015) 237

"Low dose mercury and heart rate variability among community residents nearby to an industrial complex in Korea"
Sinye Lim et all, NeuroToxicology 31 (2010) 10–16


"Field Analysis Using Method 7473: Minimizing the Cost of Mercury Cleanup"
Boylan et al

"Use of a Direct Mercury Analyzer for the Analysis of Coal and Coal by-products"
Boylan et all

"A New Method to Assess Mercury Emissions: A Study of Three Coal-Fired Electric-Generating Power Station Configurations"
Boylan et all, ISSN 1047-3289 J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 53 :1318 –1325

"Influence of Methylmercury from Tributary Streams on Mercury Levels in Savannah River Asiatic Clams "
Paller et all, WSRC-MS-2003-00489 June 25, 2003

Sekeenia Hayanes et all, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution (2006) 172: 359–374

"Determination of Mercury in 33 International Stream Sediment and Soil Reference Samples by Direct Mercury Analyzer"
Roy et all, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research

"A New Method for Total Mercury and Methyl Mercury Analysis in Muscle of Seawater Fish"
G. Carbonell et all, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 83:210–213


"Determination of total mercury in fish tissues using Combustion atomic absorption spectrometry with Gold amalgamation"
James v. Cizdziel et all, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 135:355–370, 2002.

"Consuming Fish to Reduce Mercury Intake While Optimizing Omega-3 Fatty Acid Status"
C.R. Santerre et all

"Method development for direct mercury analysis of fish and characterisation of mercury in commercial fish consumed in South Africa"
Maritz H

"A New Method for Total Mercury and Methyl Mercury Analysis in Muscle of Seawater Fish"
G. Carbonell et all, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 83:210–213

"Method development for the control determination of mercury in seafood by solid-sampling thermal decomposition amalgamation atomic absorption spectrometry (TDA AAS)"
D.P. Torres et all, Food Additives and Contaminants Vol. 29, No. 4, April 2012, 625–632

"Development and validation of a method for the determination of Hg in animal tissues (equine muscle, bovine kidney and swine kidney, and poultry muscle) by direct mercury analysis (DMA)"
R.F.L. Ribeiro et all, Microchemical Journal 121 (2015) 237
Hg Speciation

Hg Speciation

"Determination of methylmercury in soils by a simple extraction process and Direct mercury analysis with DMA-80 "
Fernández-Martínez, Rodolfo et all

"Methylmercury determination in marine sediment and organisms by Direct Mercury Analyser"
Chiara Maggi et all, Analytica Chimica Acta 641 (2009) 32–36

"Determination of Methylmercury in Fish and Seafood with the Milestone DMA-80"
Stefano Paggio, Milestone

"Determination of methylmercury in seafood by direct mercury analysis: Standard operating procedure "
J. Calderón, S. Gonçalves et all, JRC Technocal Report

"Total determination and direct chemical speciation of Hg in fish by solid sampling GF AAS"
Juliana Naozuka et all, J.Anal.At.Spectrom., 2011,26, 2257


"A combined ecological and epidemiologic investigation of metal exposures amongst Indigenous peoples near the Marlin Mine in Western Guatemala "
Science of the Total Environment 409 (2010) 70– 77

"A very simple and fast analytical method for atmospheric particulate-bound mercury determination"
Stacy Ferlin et all, Anal.Methods, 2014, 6, 4537

"Mineralogy and geochemistry of Late Permian coals from the Donglin Coal Mine in the Nantong coal fi eld in Chongqing, southwestern China"
Jian Chen, Ping Chen et all, International Journal of Coal Geology 149 (2015) 24–40