# testing of heavy metals

Microwave assisted extraction of pesticides from environmental samples
11 Agosto 2020

Achieving the lowest possible detection limits with ICP-MS/OES by minimizing contamination and blanks

The analytical instrument is just one component in achieving the lowest limits of detection using plasma spectrochemistry. The other critical area that puts significant demands on a laboratory’s overall detection capability is to ensure that the sample preparation procedure does not contribute any additional sources of contamination.
Cannabis labs
30 Septiembre 2018

Determination of heavy metals in cannabis plants with microwave digestion

The cannabis industry is currently one of the fastest growing industries. This growth is fueled by recent revelations in the potential benefits of cannabinoid therapies for various medical conditions. Although systems for growing production and sale of cannabis related products are well established, regulation and enforcement of quality and safety testing have lagged, such as the testing of heavy metals.