Nov 17, 2022

New product: easyFILL automated reagent dosing station

The easyFILL Automated Dosing Station frees the operator from reagent addition and dilution by automating these steps, with the additional benefits of reducing chemist's exposure to concentrated acids and ensuring consistency of the process. easyFILL is fully controlled by a touch screen terminal with customized software. For routine processes the operator simply recalls a stored method with the type and volume of reagents as well as the number of positions in use.

Sep 7, 2022

Frequently Asked questions for microplastic determination

Two new methods are available to simplify and expedite microplastic determinations. Two experts in the field answer to the most common questions on this topic and explain how the use of microwave technology has been applied to microplastic determinations by two different analytical techniques. Topics include: How microwave solvent extraction can be applied to MPs determination, How to combine microwave extraction to Py-GC–MS, Microwave digestion followed by gravimetric determination of MPs, The use of the microwave for selective digestion

May 16, 2022

ISO 21392: a turning point in heavy metals analysis of cosmetic products

The new ISO 21392 method for the determination of heavy metals in cosmetic products via ICP-MS came into effect. This new method is a key asset as it guides laboratories toward a universal method to determine the most common traces such as chromium, cobalt, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, antimony, and lead in finished cosmetics. The procedure describes the use of microwave digestion in combination with ICP-MS to expedite and simplify cosmetics analyses, whilst ensuring higher quality. Discover the main strengths of the method and the process for an easy implementation.

May 10, 2022

Sample Prep For Elemental Analysis In The Li-Ion Battery Industry

Improving batteries performance is a compelling task for this industry, and the chemical analysis of battery components is a necessary step. Materials for anodes, cathodes and electrolytes should be fully characterized. Microwave-assisted digestion has become an essential ally for sample preparation of battery materials before measurements by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry.

Br, Cl and I determination in food samples via microwave digestion
Mar 15, 2021

Br, Cl and I determination in food samples via microwave digestion

A new method for the determination of Cl, Br and I in food, mineralizing samples in a mixture composed exclusively of H2O2 in an alkaline medium is presented here. The high performances of ultraWAVE system allow to obtain high quality digested solutions with low Residual carbon content (RC). This innovative protocol allows to decrease the analysis process thanks to the fast sample preparation procedure performed with Single Reaction Chamber (SRC) technology.

Feb 16, 2021

Valisure Pharma can prepare multiple samples types at once

Milestone’s ultraWAVE has allowed Valisure to prepare multiple types of samples simultanously for analysis on the Agilent 7800 ICP-MS system, which is critical to meeting their pharmacy’s 24-hour testing turnaround requirement.

New Milestone book release
May 4, 2020

Releasing the new Milestone book on SRC technology

The book "Sample preparation for elemental analysis: from evolution to revolution" explains how sample preparation plays a pivotal role in elemental analysis and its impact on the data quality, the laboratory throughput and the analysis costs. Over the last 30 years, this technology went through a series of incremental innovations that further evolved technology and intercepted the needs of several industries.

Why does the cannabis industry need to get better at measuring heavy metals
Dec 16, 2019

Why does the cannabis industry need to get better at measuring heavy metals

The cannabis plant is known to be a hyper-accumulator of heavy metals in the soil and growing medium, so it’s critical to monitor levels to ensure cannabis products are safe to use. Unfortunately, there are many inconsistencies with heavy metal limits due to the lack of clear and common regulations. Most define four heavy metals (Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury) while others specify up to nine.

Superior power and performance for high-volume laboratories
Dec 2, 2019

Superior power and performance for high-volume laboratories

The ETHOS UP with MAXI-24 HP high throughput rotor was designed to process increased volumes of sample types and weights within a single rotor-based platform. That means you can focus on what counts: increased throughput, high-quality data and more profitable runs.