Jul 22, 2022

Microwave assisted extraction of dioxins from fly ash samples

Dioxins are toxic and persistent molecules covered by the Stockholm Convention and several governments require their analysis in environmental samples. Microwave assisted solvent extraction is a well-established sample preparation technique applied in several official methods. Milestone’s ETHOS X equipped with SR-15 eT rotor and glass vial kit was used in this study to prove its efficacy in the extraction of dioxins from fly ash samples. Discover the study that represents a guideline for the extraction of dioxins and furans from standard reference materials using the official method EPA 3546.

Jul 11, 2022

Microwave extraction of hydrocarbons from soils samples. A comparison with iso 16703:2004

ISO 16703:2004 specifies a method for the quantitative determination of the mineral oil (hydrocarbons) content in field-moist soil samples by gas chromatography. Many environmental laboratories use this method daily. Microwave-assisted solvent extraction is a well-established sample preparation technique applied in several official methods. Milestone’s ETHOS X with fastEX-24 eT rotor was used in this study to prove its efficacy in the extraction of hydrocarbon from soil samples in comparison with the ISO method.

Aug 5, 2021

New restrictions as regards PAHs in granules or mulches

Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/1199 of 20 July 2021 introduce new restrictions as regards polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in granules or mulches used as infill material in synthetic turf pitches or in loose form on playgrounds or in sport application

University of Montpellier
Jan 27, 2021

Modern teaching in synthetic chemistry & extraction

Milestone's ETHOS X microwave enhanced extraction system can reduced the extraction time to 15 minutes. It also delivers a product with higher purity compared to traditional extraction methods that are based on the use of organic solvents

Microwave Fat Determination in Food and Feed Samples with ETHOS X microwave extraction system
Nov 16, 2020

Microwave fat determination in food samples with microwave extraction

Total fat determination in food and feed matrices is a routine analysis for several testing and food processor labs, as it is part of labelling process and QC testing. Nowadays, the process still relies on outdated and matrix-dependent methods which use obsolete and time-consuming technologies. In the ETHOS X hydrolysis and extraction are done in a single step and in less time, ensuring higher productivity and better workflow. The ETHOS X method for total fat determination is applicable to any matrix; enables to process 45 sample a day, ensure lower cost per sample, offers complete fat determination and it is safe and compact.

Agro-food waste valorization as a source of valuable biochemicals in circular economy: a reality
Oct 23, 2020

Agro-food waste valorization as a source of valuable biochemicals in circular economy: a reality

This online training conference provided a platform to meet companies and researchers interested in the application of circular economy for the valorization of agro-food wastes

Fast and efficient filtration process for environmental applications
Sep 15, 2020

Fast and efficient filtration process for environmental applications

The analysis of organic pollutants and metals in environmental matrices, such as soils and sediments, often includes the filtration step, either after a solvent extraction process or a leaching type acid digestion. The conventional approach to filtration involves old-style apparatus that reduce the lab workflow and occupies valued space in the fume hood. The Simultaneous Filtration System (SFS-24) by Milestone overcome these limitations, improving the lab’s productivity and reducing the fume hood space requirement.

Microwave assisted extraction of pesticides from environmental samples
Aug 31, 2020

Microwave assisted extraction of pesticides from environmental samples

Several governments require their analysis in environmental samples. Microwave assisted solvent extraction is a well-established sample preparation technique applied in several official methods.

Hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) determination in disposal electronic waste
Jul 13, 2020

Hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) determination in disposal electronic waste

Cr VI is widely used in manufacturing of electronics thanks to its anticorrosive proprieties, although it is highly toxic and carcinogenic. Discover the new method for Cr VI determination in full compliance with IEC 62321-7-2: 2017.