# src digestion

Br, Cl and I determination in food samples via microwave digestion
15 March 2021

Br, Cl and I determination in food samples via microwave digestion

A new method for the determination of Cl, Br and I in food, mineralizing samples in a mixture composed exclusively of H2O2 in an alkaline medium is presented here. The high performances of ultraWAVE system allow to obtain high quality digested solutions with low Residual carbon content (RC). This innovative protocol allows to decrease the analysis process thanks to the fast sample preparation procedure performed with Single Reaction Chamber (SRC) technology.
20 November 2018

Bringing new strategies fully compatible with modern trace analysis

Microwave-assisted digestion of organic samples: How simple can it become? Many papers recently published deeply exploit these instruments when applied for digestions of plants, animal tissues, foods, suet oil and pharmaceutical samples. Discover the most recent literature on the field.
Discover how Total could achieve optimum recovery of volatile elements with the Milestone ultraWAVE
12 June 2019

Discover how Total could achieve optimum recovery of volatile elements

Total Research and Technology in Belgium equipped their laboratory with a Milestone ultraWAVE to facilitate laboratory analyses and analytical developments for their R&D projects. In partnership with Milestone’s application team, the lab developed a new methodology that enabled them to optimize their sample preparation process across the wide variety of sample types they need to analyze.
New Milestone book release
04 May 2020

Releasing the new Milestone book on SRC technology

The book "Sample preparation for elemental analysis: from evolution to revolution" explains how sample preparation plays a pivotal role in elemental analysis and its impact on the data quality, the laboratory throughput and the analysis costs. Over the last 30 years, this technology went through a series of incremental innovations that further evolved technology and intercepted the needs of several industries.
Selecting a Microwave Digestion System for the Unique Demands of the Pharmaceutical Industry
03 June 2019

Selecting a microwave digestion system for the unique demands of the pharmaceutical industry

Recent regulations on heavy metal testing have required the pharmaceutical industry to monitor a suite of elemental impurities in pharmaceutical raw materials, drug products and dietary supplements. These directives are described in the new USP Chapters , and .
23 November 2023

SRC Microwave Digestion and How it is Revolutionizing Elemental Analysis

Learn how SRC digestion systems work and what differentiates them from rotor-based systems. Discover the benefits of using SRC digestion in application areas including food, mining/geochemistry, advanced materials, and consumer goods. Learn how a total workflow sample prep approach including SRC digestion can improve a lab's sample throughput, quality of results, cost structure, and safety.
Synlab User Profile
11 November 2018

SYNLAB improved productivity and detection limit thanks to the ultraWAVE

Synlab invested in multiple ultraWAVE units to help reduce their sample preparation bottleneck. These systems exceeded our expectations, increasing the sample digestion capacity of our laboratory by 100%, while reducing costs, and signifi cantly improving digestion quality.
05 October 2018

THINK GREEN Modern Approaches to Microwave-Assisted Digestion

For the first time the concepts and significance of green chemistry are applied to microwave digestion. Read the text Think Green and learn how to reduce acid consumption and waste, while haveing a safer working conditions in the laboratory
25 October 2017

ultraWAVE allows polymer analysis lab to tackle difficult samples for elemental analysis

Elemental analysis of polymer systems is frequently inconclusive or erroneous if the sample is not completely digested. Together with the Milestone UltraWAVE and traceCLEAN acid steam cleaning system, we have the capability to tackle the most difficult samples while reaching detection limits in the parts per trillion (ppt) range.
ultraWAVE award
16 October 2017

ultraWAVE awarded as the most innovative product in sample prep

ultraWAVE was awarded as the most innovative product in sample preparation for metal analysis
16 September 2017

Unilever counts on Milestone’s UltraWAVE to reach very low detection limits

The ultraWAVE replaced Unilever's existing closed vessel microwave system and doubled their sample digestion capacity without increasing the hours of labor associated with the current sample prep. With the UltraWAVE they are able to digest any difficult sample while obtaining very low blanks and no evidence of cross contamination.