# muffle furnace

03 February 2023

Contract service lab relies on microwave ashing to improve turnaround time on food matrices

RSSL deals with a wide variety of food samples on which they must provide either the ash content or the elemental analysis after ash content. The overall process time for these analyses was time consuming as it required several hours. RSSL wishes to provide a superior service to their clients and enhance their turnaround time for this specific testing. RSSL acquired a PYRO microwave muffle ashing furnace mid of 2019 for total ash determination in food samples. The muffle utilizes microwave heating to ash samples, which reduces the process time and electricity consumption when compared to conductive heating muffles.
microwave ashing procedure for determination of inorganic ash in food samples
17 July 2023

Microwave ashing procedure for determination of inorganic ash in food samples

The ashing test on food samples is commonly used for evaluation of mineral content. Microwave ashing procedure for determination of inorganic ash in food samples is an alternative and rapid method for determination of mineral content in food samples. Milestone PYRO system incorporates all of the benefits of a microwave system working with special fast heating/cooling crucibles while making the ashing application fast, easy, effective, and in complete safety.